Outreach & Communications
The Communications and Outreach Committee is charged with stakeholder notification of important community events. Check our homepage which lists upcoming events and dates that our Stakeholders will find important. Any Outreach or Community announcements can be mailed to: outreach@centralsanpedronc.org.
Chair: Barbara St. John
Committee Members: Linda Alexander, Dillon Carter, James Dusenberry,
Andre Fernandez, Ziggy Mkirch, Stacey Golden Spagen, Karina Rettig,
Jason Wooley, Akosua Hobert, Marc Collasco
Why do we do Outreach?
To provide stakeholders the necessary information regarding the opportunity to participate in their local Neighborhood Council.
To meet the needs and priorities of external community groups
To raise self-esteem and confidence, and stimulate creativity amongst participants.
To raise community expectations and educational attainment.
To build community cohesion and reduce social exclusion.
To work towards an enhanced sense of place and identity, increasing the value that communities place on their local environment and the sense of pride and ownership in the place where they live.
To enable people to understand the historic environment in a sustained and sustainable way to ensure its long-term future.